
With the below ingredients you will make 4 Crepes

125 Grams All purpose flour
2 Eggs
120ml Milk
120ml Water
2 Grams Salt
30 Grams Butter melted

anything else you would like to add in your Crepe


In a large bowl combine together flour & eggs, Gradually add Milk and water stir together. Add salt and the melted butter till its smooth.

Heat some drops of oil in a frying pan ( i bought a crepe pan) its easier to use,I bought it from JB stores :)

Bring some water to boil in a small pan and put the can of Nutella in it (banju marija)

Now depending on how big you pan is, Put enough scoops to cover the bottom of you pan,Don't put to much you are not doing PANCAKES you don't want them to be very thick.

Cook until it's golden then turn and cook from the other side.

When the Crepe is ready just spread NUTELLA all over mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,
OOOO what where we talking about?.....oo oo ok the Crepe cause i get a bit confused when i mention Nutella :) So spread NUTELLA all over and top it of with what every you like Nuts,Banana, Strawberry;s,Pears ect .

You can serve your crepe with a nice scoop of ice cream

Enjoy Lovely's

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