Last week the 54th annual Grammy Awards where held in Los Angeles ,California and these are some of the celebrities on the red carpet. While going trough the photos I was wondering ...but do they at least make an effort to look good on the red carpet? Or they just open the closet and pick the first thing that comes to hand. Cause there were some pretty ugly dresses this year!
So have a look at our thoughts on this year's Grammy Award hits and misses!
Jackie :I saw these two Princesses Sophia Grace & Rosie on Ellen show and they stole my heart singing with Nicki Minaj. But now wearing these little sweet puffy dresses they look so cute :)
Al: Love these talented and cute!!! Can't imagine how excited they were to be invited to the Grammy's! They were dressed age appropriate which is the most important thing in my opinion!
Jackie:Kelly Osbourne, she is blooming like a rose. We all remember the old chubby scruffy Kelly. She surely is changing for the better and girl keep it up for you toned body
Al: WOW Kelly Osborne, what a come back! Top to bottom perfection. I kinds like her hair like this!
Jackie:Well well well...Paris Hilton, I have to be clear about this. I don't like this girl at all, but hey we have to give her credit for this dress cause it's fab !!
Al: I can't believe I'm saying this...but here it goes: Paris Hilton looks great! I love this dress...the color...the fit ...everything...and for Paris Hilton not looking trashy for once...that's something new!
Jackie:Carly Steel love the dress but looks a bit like a replica of Nicole Ritchie at the Golden Globes.
Al: Nahhh! don't like this! I know it's the same color as the one Nicole Ritchie wore at the Globes but it doesn't compare. Boring dress!
Shining disco ball :)
Jackie: This is Tammy Haddon,Personally i never heard a single song of hers but, She seems to sing Gospel type songs and she has a very nice voice.But lady that dress please, u look like a disco ball in it.
Al: I know that the Grammy's is an occasion where you can experiment with style....but this is plain old ugly! And the long earrings with the short!
Jackie :Mika Newton real name Oksana Stefanivna Hrytsai. She leads a rock band. You better stick with your stage name :) and by the way the dress is nice but from what I've seen so far your super overdressed.
Al: Love Love Love this dress! It's perfect for the Grammy's with the cut out back and lace ! If she wore this to the Oscars it wouldn't have looked right! One of the Best dressed in my opinion!...although I would have put on some diamonds if I had the chance!
Jackie:Sasha Gradiva, shes a recording artist, song writer and an actress. Do I really need to comment on this out fit. I'm sure some one told her that handbags are out of fashion and that guns are so in. For sure she will need a good night rest after the Grammy's that's for sure
Al: No Honey you don't understand! You're not auditioning for a lead role in trasformers you're at the Grammy's... get it?? the Graaaaammmyyy's!!! This outfit was made to grab attention and promote this girl....well I don't know her name and I am just referring to her as the girl with the funny bracelet!

Jackie:Carrie Underwood I was wondering why I don't know her. But then it hit me , she sings country music...bleq bleq what a waste. Her dress looks fab tough.
Al: Nice dress...nice shape...I'm not sure about the black purse though...I would have wore another color.
Jackie:Ok Katy Perry, we got it why u dyed your hair blue, to match your dress for the Grammy's. Next time wear black :)
Al: Katy Perry...I am so over you and your blue hair! The dress is nice...but I would have expected Perry to dress something more interesting to the Grammy's....I mean the only place where she can get away with wearing something which stands out and she wears this dress? Can't understand this!...none the less...the dress is gorgeous!
Jackie:Nicki Minaj is she on DRUGS ?
Al: This is what I think about these 'stars' that try to get attention because they dress funny....Talent is what matters....we'll forget about your dress in a week or two! And the pope? Why? Is that her handbag for the night or what?
Jackie:Bonnie McKee yellow is so in but not the Star Track way dear. And that hair??
Al: I mean....I like yellow....but spaghetti on your dress?!?! really?!.
Jackie:Kelly Rowland woooow love the dress love the hair.
Al: Gotta disagree...Love the dress...hate the hair and the ring! I'm not a fan of huge rings. There is something about this that makes it look too plain. I would have played with color in my makeup.
Jackie :Bonnie Raitt, shes an american blues songwriter.
Grammy or Granny ?
Al: Lol on!
Jackie:Ladies you might not agree with me on this one.But i just think that Gerald Wilson who every he is is the sweetest of them all :) Hes 94 Years old.
Al: At 94...what else do you want!
Alicia Arden Actress
Jackie:What the hell !! Is she getting married or what ?? If not her stylish hates her :).
Al: Oh helllll noooo! Those shoes are so wrong! That dress if FUGLY....and those accessories are completely mismatched. One word to describe this is : BLEQQ!
Jackie :Rihanna Speachless for the first time I like her yellowish hair, maybe cause the roots are out :)
Al: WOW Rihanna...thanks for reminding us that you are gorgeous! Those shoes look painful though!
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